September 15, 2013

How Much Marijuana Do You Get In Your Area For $20?

September 15, 2013
dub sack

dub sack twenty marijuana 20My friends and I consider how much marijuana you get for $20 in a given area to be the true test of the marijuana market for that given area. For instance, when I was in Las Vegas last time, it was almost impossible to find marijuana (of any quality) for $20. After four days of shoulder tapping I was finally able to find what I would estimate to be .8 grams of marijuana for $20. It was very good, and I was extremely thankful to have obtained it, but it definitely left me feeling homesick.

In my home state of Oregon, I can get 3.5 grams of top shelf marijuana for $20 any time and any day of the week. Based on my experience during all my travels to marijuana events over the years, I have found that this is an amazing deal. It always blows my friend’s minds that are from Oregon, because they are so far inside of the fish bowl.

But things weren’t always that way in Oregon. Up until a few years ago, the market standard in Oregon was 1.5 grams for $20. If you were buying it from a good friend who was an established seller, you might be able to bump that up to 1.7-2.0 grams for $20, but that usually meant that you were buying ‘mids’ or ‘beasters’ as we called it in Oregon.

One of the first things that I do when I meet new marijuana consuming friends from different areas is to ask them how much marijuana they can get for $20 in their area, and what kind of quality it is. How much marijuana can you get for $20 in your area? And how good is it? Also, what do you call it in your area? In Oregon we usually call it a ‘dub’. I look forward to reading the comments, and satisfying my weed nerd curiosity!


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