May 24, 2013

Alabama Safe Access Update: The Need For New Polling In Alabama

May 24, 2013
Alabama Safe Access Project

Alabama Safe Access ProjectOne of the biggest “outs” for many of our legislators when discussing marijuana policy reform in Alabama is that it doesn’t have the support of the people of Alabama.

The issue receives more phone calls and emails than any other issue, but they still make this claim.

National polling shows widespread support for medical marijuana and majority support for the recreational use of marijuana. Of course, legislators are quick to remind you that this is a very conservative state that doesn’t share the same values as the rest of the country.

The Mobile Press Register and the University of South Alabama conducted the last poll in Alabama; it showed that medical marijuana had the support of 76% of Alabamians. The problem with that poll, it will be 10 years old by the beginning of the next legislative session.

Alabama Safe Access Project is currently looking to remedy this situation by having a new poll conducted in Alabama.

We are looking to commission a five-question poll of registered voters in Alabama to be conducted by Public Policy Polling. While the final verbiage of the questions will be ironed out with the polling company when we order the poll, the basic questions we want to ask are as follows.

  1. Do you support the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes?
  2. Would you support a plan to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Alabama if that plan would create thousands of jobs and half a billion dollars in revenue for the state?
  3. Do you support a patient’s right to use medical marijuana in the treatment of their condition if it is under the direction of a physician?
  4. Do you believe the State of Alabama should imprison people for the personal use of marijuana?
  5. Do you support the decriminalization of up to one ounce of marijuana making it a citation punishable by a fine instead of jail time?

This poll will not only show them support through the polling itself, a new poll showing positive support for any of these questions would create a mountain of local news coverage heralding the results of the poll, and negating the ability of legislators to make the claim that the issue has no support.

We need your help! The cost of the poll through Public Policy Polling is $2000. Alabama Safe Access Project is currently accepting donations earmarked to pay for that poll. We know that times are hard and that many of you are struggling to get by, but this is important to the future of this issue and we ask that you do whatever you can. It doesn’t matter if it is $5 or $5oo all donations will go a long way to making this poll a reality, and having this poll will greatly enhance the chances of achieving our ultimate goal of changing marijuana policy in Alabama.

Donate Now!!!


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