March 31, 2014

Alaska Marijuana Legalization Initiative Winning In Latest Poll

March 31, 2014
regulate marijuana like alcohol alaska legalization 2014

regulate marijuana like alcohol alaska legalization 2014Marijuana legalization is on the ballot in Alaska, which is the only state so far that has gathered enough signatures to put marijuana legalization on the ballot for the 2014 Election. If you support marijuana reform in Alaska or beyond, you should be paying close attention to what is going on up there, and should make a donation to the campaign. Alaska votes on this in August, so there’s a chance that even before the November election in other states, there could be three legal states in America.

A poll was recently released by the Alaska State House of Representatives ‘Annual Caucus Statewide Issues Poll‘. The poll asked the following question, and had the following result:

And now a few questions regarding ballot measures that will appear on the Primary ballot this August…

8) One ballot measure would legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Alaska. It would also set terms
for the regulation, taxation, and sale of marijuana. Please tell me, if the election were held today, would
you most likely vote yes to support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, or no to oppose legalizing
marijuana for recreational use?
Yes, support legalizing ……………………………………………………………….. 52%
No, oppose legalizing ………………………………………………………………… 44%
Unsure ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4%

As you can see, marijuana legalization is winning in the polls in Alaska right now. But the margin of victory is not that large, and victory is far from inevitable. If you are on the ground in Alaska, keep up the fight. If you live in Alaska or not, consider making a donation to the campaign at this link here.


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