October 24, 2014

Did Your Oregon Friends Vote To End Marijuana Prohibition Yet?

October 24, 2014
did they vote app

Oregon Measure 91 would legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana. The initiative has a great chance of winning, but only if there is a strong voter turnout. If you have already voted, thank you so much for participating in democracy. For those of you that haven’t voted, please do so ASAP! We all know someone that hasn’t voted, we just might not know who he or she is. Fortunately, there is a great new app that can help you determine which of your Oregon friends or family members hasn’t voted. If you use the app and find out someone you know hasn’t voted, give them a gentle reminder to do so, and to make sure to vote ‘yes’ on Oregon Measure 91. The app can be found at DidTheyVote.Org. Here’s how it works:

  • The user authenticates with Facebook giving the app permission to see their friends list.

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  • The app uses an algorithm to obtain the best match between a Facebook friend and their corresponding state voter record.
  • The app displays a list of matches who have not yet voted for the user to see.
  • The information only indicates if a ballot has been cast or not. It does not indicate how a voter has voted.

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  • Once the user sees this list of matches, they can click “Message” to send their Facebook friend a message to remind them to vote.

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For frequently asked questions about the app, check out this link here. It is all our responsibility to vote. Many people have fought and died to ensure that we have the right to vote, so don’t waste it! We are so close to legalizing marijuana in my home State of Oregon, let’s not let this opportunity pass us up! Well over 600,000 Oregonians have visited this website, with an overwhelming percentage falling in the age range of 18-34, which is an age group of voters that will be vital in this election. If you are of voting age, and live in Oregon, please make sure to vote, and make sure to vote ‘yes’ on Measure 91. Below is a video that also explains the app:


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