March 15, 2013

Reducing Gun Violence Isn’t About Gun Control – It’s About The Drug War

March 15, 2013
guns marijuana

guns marijuana drug war gun controlMajor Neill Franklin (Ret.), Executive Director, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

So much has been said in recent months on the subject of gun violence, but in the midst of this heated debate, one obvious solution to rampant gun violence has often been downplayed or overlooked: ending drug prohibition.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition’s speakers and supporters represent the full spectrum of opinions on the issue of gun control, but we agree on one point: reducing gun violence has little to do with either gun control or gun rights. It has everything to do with ending the “war on drugs.”

If we were to legalize and regulate all currently illicit drugs today, we would see a dramatic decrease in gun violence. Cartels and street dealers arm themselves with arsenals to protect their illegal investments and to settle disputes. This culture of using gun violence in settling disputes bleeds into society as a whole and is particularly detrimental to our impressionable youth. Under a system of legalized regulation, the black market drug trade would be a non issue, the resulting carnage would subside and the “gangster” culture would dissolve.

Help LEAP reduce gun violence by speaking out for a more rational, responsible drug policy. Stand with us in calling for an end to drug prohibition.

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