December 9, 2013

Uruguay Expected To Legalize Marijuana Tuesday

December 9, 2013
Uruguay will Begin Selling Marijuana in Pharmacies this Summer

uruguay marijuana legalizationCourtesy of The Joint Blog

On Tuesday, Uruguay’s Senate will vote on historic legislation to make their nation the first in the world to legalize recreational cannabis. The Senate is expected to approve the proposal, which was initially introduced by the nation’s President, José Mujica, and has already been approved by the Uruguay House of Representativesand the Senate Health Commission. Approval in the Senate on Tuesday will send the measure to Mijuica’s, who will quickly sign it into law. It will take effect after 120 days.

Under this new law, the possession of up to 40 grams of cannabis, as well as the private cultivation of up to 6 plants, will be legal for all adults 18 and older. In addition, cannabis will be sold through cannabis clubs, and medical cannabis will be distributed through pharmacies. According to officials, the government will sell cannabis for around $1 a gram.

Although places like Amsterdam tend to tolerate cannabis use, and in some instances even distribution, no country, since the beginning of cannabis prohibition, has outright legalized cannabis. Uruguay would instantly set a positive precedent for the world to follow.

Source: TheJointBlog.Com


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