June 24, 2014

Canadian Hospital To Allow Medical Marijuana Consumption In Rooms

June 24, 2014
sherbrooke hospital medical marijuana

sherbrooke hospital medical marijuanaIn a very progressive and compassionate move, Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec announced last week that it will allow medical marijuana use in its rooms. Patients who wish to consume medical marijuana in their rooms must have a private room, must be a valid medical marijuana patient, and supply their own medical marijuana and vaporizer. Per Leaf Science:

“By law we are here to help to maintain and promote and heal patients. So in the process, if at one point marijuana has to be used, we should be there for the patient,” said Dr. Serge Lepage, President of the Sherbrooke Hospital’s Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists (CMDP).

According to the hospital, a review of the scientific evidence concluded that medical marijuana “may be helpful in relieving some symptoms such as pain, depressed mood, insomnia as well as nausea and vomiting resulting from chemotherapy or radiotherapy.”

This is something that every hospital in Canada and beyond should allow. Marijuana is medicine, every logical person knows that. In a lot of cases, medical marijuana helps relieve patient suffering more than pharmaceuticals. I tip my hat to the 650 hospital council members that approved the policy change. The approval was unanimous among hospital council members.


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