November 26, 2014

Colorado Health Officials Recommend Grants For Marijuana Research

November 26, 2014
marijuana science research cannabis

marijuana science research cannabisSomething you hear marijuana opponents say over and over is that ‘there needs to be more marijuana research conducted’ before they support reform. That of course is usually only a delay tactic, proven by the fact that these same marijuana opponents fight marijuana research efforts as much as possible. I think deep down they know that research will be favorable to the marijuana movement. Fortunately for marijuana supporters, Colorado health officials have announced their recommendations for 8 marijuana research grants. Per the Denver Post:

Colorado health officials have recommended funding two studies on childhood epilepsy, two studies on post-traumatic stress disorder and four other studies as part of the largest-ever state research program on medical marijuana.

The studies — totaling about $7.5 million in cost — would be paid for by a surplus of registration fees paid by medical marijuana patients. The grants need final approval by the state Board of Health in December. Research could begin early next year.

“We hope the studies will contribute to the scientific research available about the use of marijuana in effectively treating various medical conditions,” Larry Wolk, the executive director of the state health department, said in a statement.

Marijuana is medicine. It sounds like such a simple statement, but it’s a statement that marijuana opponents seem to try to refute as much as they can. I can’t wait until these studies are concluded and the results are released. The results will be added to the mountain of evidence that backs up the claim that ‘marijuana is medicine.’ Future generations will look back on the marijuana opponents of this generation and wonder why there was so much fuss, and why anyone ever believed them in the first place.


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