October 31, 2013

Florida Medical Marijuana Campaign Tops 200,000 Signatures

October 31, 2013
signature gathering marijuana reform initiative

florida signature gathering marijuana reform initiativeAn encouraging message from the Florida medical marijuana campaign, United for Care:

We have now collected over 200,000 petitions.

This, combined with yesterday’s news about upcoming oral arguments at the Florida Supreme Court, means we’re closer than ever to finally getting medical marijuana approved in Florida.

We are trying to do what legislators should have done: Allow people access to the care they need.

None of this happens without your support. Please make a contribution right now to our legal defense and petition gathering operation.

Written filings are due in days. Oral arguments are in 6 weeks. Simply put, costs are mounting as some in power are doing everything they can to oppose us – and the will of 70% of Floridians.

Pam Bondi and her supporters think that it’s better to watch people suffer or wind up hooked on prescription opiates, than get access to medical marijuana under doctor’s supervision.

They don’t want to the public to know that in the 20 states plus DC where medical marijuana is legal, society has not broken down. It has not caused crime to go up. It hasn’t led to an epidemic of addiction. It has, however, helped people with cancer, AIDS, hepetitis, neurological diseases and injuries, epilepsy, MS and numerous other conditions.

It’s our job to tell voters the truth. We have a challenge ahead – but we have already made enormous, unprecedented progress.

Please support the battles coming up in the next weeks by making a contribution today.


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