I received the following message from the fine people at Vicente and Sederberg in regards to the social marijuana use campaign that is underway in Denver:
Thanks to generous contributions from supporters and the hard work of signature gatherers and the whole campaign team, the Denver Limited Social Cannabis Use campaign exceeded its target of 10,000 raw signatures! As you may have already seen in one of many news stories, the campaign submitted approximately 10,700 signatures to the Denver Elections Division yesterday.
The city now has 25 days to review the signatures to ensure that at least 4,726 of them are valid. Based on the campaign’s own internal validity checks, this is very likely to happen. So the campaign will now be shifting its attention toward garnering a majority of the votes in this November’s election. Yes, in less than three months, the people of Denver will decide whether social cannabis use will be permissible at venues where the owners and operators allow it.
Now is the time for you to be really active! We don’t need you to ask people for their signatures; we just need you to ask them for their vote. If you own or work at a medical or retail marijuana shop in Denver, let the campaign know if you are willing to have a poster or sticker displayed. (These will be available once the initiative qualifies.) If you have friends or relatives in Denver, let them know that this is a reasonable initiative and is deserving of their votes. And if you are willing to distribute materials in Denver this fall, visit the campaign site and let them know.
If we all work together, we can win this campaign! Please don’t be a passive observer of this potentially historic effort. Be sure to visit the campaign site if you need to learn more about the initiative and then Talk It Up! over the next three months.