One of the first events I ever attended on behalf of TWB was the 2012 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles. Jay Smoker and I were provided passes to the event by High Times, and VIP passes by WeedMaps. On the drive down to Los Angeles from Oregon we were like school children on Christmas Eve. We had never been to a High Times event before, and didn’t know what to expect, but we were pretty sure it was going to be fantastic. We were not disappointed.
We pulled up to the event and saw a long line of 420-friendly people trying to get into the event. After a brief wait we got into the event and walked through the green balloon archway which is something I now associate with every Cannabis Cup (I’m a balloon nerd, what can I say). It was at that event that I met Kaliko, Radical Russ, Robert Platshorn, and Ganja Jon for the first time. I attended every panel/seminar that they had, grabbed as much free SWAG as I could get my hands on, got an autograph from B-Real, and took so many dab hits I lost count. It was truly an epic weekend.
I have been lucky enough to attend other Medical Cannabis Cups in Denver and the Bay area, and was invited to attend the Medical Cannabis Cup in Seattle, although I wasn’t able to make it for various reasons. I went to the first ever legal Cannabis Cup in Denver in 2013, which coincided with April 20th. That might have been the funnest event I’ve ever been to, especially considering the historic significance of the event.
At every Cannabis Cup I’ve been to, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would take to get a Cannabis Cup in my home state of Oregon. Portland, Oregon is ripe for a High Times Cannabis Cup event. There are cannabis events in Oregon, but nothing even close to any High Times event I’ve ever been to. The celebrities that come to High Times events are non-existent at Oregon events, the musical acts at Cannabis Cups are much more popular than the musical acts at current Oregon events, and there are way more people at High Times events than at current Oregon events. I don’t mean to knock Oregon events, because they are fun too, but nothing like a High Times event.
This is a public plea to High Times to consider bringing the Cup to Portland, Oregon. Oregon is one of the most cannabis friendly states in America. We were the first to decriminalize, the second to pass a medical marijuana law, and in November we will likely legalize marijuana. There is a reason that Jack Herer lived here for so long – Oregon LOVES cannabis. Please, please, PLEASE bring the Cup to Oregon. High Times fans in Oregon, cannabis fans in Oregon, and specifically this weed blogger would love you for it. Let me know if I can help make this happen. Twitter – @thatjohnnygreen. Email – [email protected].