Vapor Additives, Product Labels, & the Future
How are people getting sick and dying from vaping?
How are people getting sick and dying from vaping?
The DEA is proposing an increase in the amount of cannabis that can be grown for research purposes.
My friend consumed about three grams of cannabis per day. This amount would leave many dazed and confused. But she felt focused, energized, and functional.
As the legalization of Cannabis has gathered strength, research has finally begun to validate what many of us have known intuitively for years, that Cannabis
Confident Cannabis Connect is an extraordinary new tool that offers deep insights into the varieties of flower.
Cannabis Affects Our Ability to Sift Through the Bombardment of Sensory Information Constantly Reaching Our Brains
How combining two mind-altering experiences can affect us.
Learn about the key differences between CBD And MitragynaSpeciosa or Kratom.
Terpenes may be the key to environmentally friendly plastic.
While cannabis has a myriad of medicinal benefits and healing properties, it can affect early stages of development.
How physicians are playing a crucial role in holistic treatment
The combination of playing video games while using cannabis can provide an enhanced escape, but can also be therapeutic.
The specific age at which one first experiences cannabis can change their lives for years to come.
Does cannabis help us to see another’s point of view, or does it cloud our vision?
A research team concluded that vaping gets one much higher than smoking the exact same amount of weed. Vaping is potent!
Understanding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabis
Strainprint Technologies, Lumir Lab and Gynica Announce Medical Cannabis Clinical Trial Partnership.
Wondering what the research says about how cannabis affects men and women differently? Read on…
Nexien BioPharma Advances in Clinical Use of a Cannabinoid-Based Formulation for the Treatment of Myotonic Dystrophies.
Our pets also have endocannabinoid receptors, and can benefit from cannabis.
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