Study Finds That Per Se Driving Limits For THC Is Ill Advised
By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Per se driving limits for the presence of THC are arbitrary and may improperly classify motorists who are not
By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Per se driving limits for the presence of THC are arbitrary and may improperly classify motorists who are not
Marijuana opponents constantly try to claim that if/when marijuana becomes legal, mayhem on public roadways is sure to follow. I have yet to hear marijuana
By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has signed legislation, House Bill 1441, into law that criminalizes drivers from operating a motor vehicle if they
With Washington State’s I-502 legalization came a 5ng/ml limit of active THC in blood. This is now per se evidence to convict on a DUI charge. In
By Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director The imposition of so-called per se drugged driving laws, which create new traffic safety violations for drivers who operate a vehicle
How Will Mainstream Media Spin This Government Study? by Mitch Earleywine, Marijuana Policy Project The Rorschach Inkblot test asks people to make up stories about
By Alex Newhouse Sensible Washington and the No on I-502 campaign officially maintain that I-502 creates a 0 tolerance DUI. No on I-502 states: “Even worse:
How Zero Tolerance And Per Se DUID Laws Could Affect Medical Marijuana Users The following chart shows the state limits for THC-COOH in the blood
Does Your State Have Per Se Or Zero Tolerance Drugged Driving Laws? In my home state of Oregon, we don’t have any per se or
by Phillip Smith A bill that would make it illegal to drive with more than a certain amount of THC in one’s system has died
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