The east coast state of Massachusetts has been working on making medical marijuana available to patients for over a year now. But last Friday marked the day that the state granted out the first 20 (of more to come) licenses to run dispensaries. The shops will be spread throughout MA, including one in the high trafficked area of Boylston Street in the heart of Boston. Other cities that will contain the shops include Worcester, Newton, and Salem.
State law says that there can be 35 licenses allowed but officials have decided to just start off with 20 to see how things go. It was promised that more licenses will be given out towards the summer months. The medical marijuana laws in Massachusetts also say that no county shall have more than five dispensaries. But since medical marijuana was approved by voters two years ago, these small steps bring cannabis a little bit closer to the patients in Massachusetts.
One of the clinics opening in MA, named Green Heart Holistic Health, are keeping their fingers crossed that they will be able to open their new shop at the end of the summer, located right across from Boston University Medical Center. They will have their grow site in Amesbury and will not just be growing THC concentrated strains but ones with good amounts of CBD as well, which will help patients that have MS, epilepsy, and cancer. The facility will most likely be a large indoor grow, with smaller plots outside for summer months, as growing marijuana in the cold east coast winters is extremely difficult (there are some people who seem to think that it’s still possible to grow through four feet of snow… Trust me, I’ve spoken to these kinds of people).
The domino effect on the east coast is spreading. While Massachusetts is only allowing medical marijuana for terminal patients and not fully legalizing, it’s still a huge step for the east coast. Support for cannabis is still gaining an incredible amount of momentum and with more people accepting the benefits of the plant, we can hope to see more states push for legalization. At least the east coast is finally managing to make moves in order to even out the country in regards to cannabis acceptance.
Source: THCFinder.Com