Please join us for today’s march, this one will be significant! Today is the day before the BIG day. It is our last chance to show Portland City Council that we want our demands met. So far they aren’t listening. We must change that! Show up today in support of #BLM while using your voice and your presence to speak out against police brutality. Remember that a budget is a moral document. We have to keep our elected officials honest and accountable and make sure we divest PPB and reinvest in our communities with tax revenue.
Also, download the following image and share it to your social media now! This is how we will engage and organize our march and demonstrations. Use the hashtags: #rosecityjustice #BLM #defund police #divest
Divest | ReInvest | Protect

6/16/2020 || 6PM at Jefferson High School.
ANNOUNCING route and destination of march on site
Rose City Justice demands that the City Council defund the Portland Police Budget of $50 Million and reinvest those funds in to the communities that have been most disproportionately affected by cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs.
Rose City Justice has joined up with organizations like Unite Oregon issuing a list of demands which are urging the council to consider amid a national uprising over police brutality. The Demands include:
- Defund the PPB
- Reinvest in Black Futures
- Protect Our Communities from Violence
The City Council Meeting is set for this Wednesday, June 17th, and Unite Oregon along with Rose City Justice will be meeting downtown again to support their demands. You can show support by clicking here to contact Mayor Ted Wheeler and the Portland City Commissioners.