Alaska will be voting on marijuana legalization this November. Alaska was the first state to qualify a marijuana legalization initiative for the 2014 Election. Since Alaska was approved, Oregon has also qualified a marijuana legalization initiative. Washington D.C. will likely join both states. Marijuana opponents have been very active in Alaska, and according to the initiative campaign, opponents haven’t been playing by the rules.
The campaign to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Alaska filed a complaint with the Alaska Public Offices Commission alleging that ‘Big Marijuana. Big Mistake’, the opposition to the initiative, has been working with an ad company that was supposed to be ‘volunteering’ its time. Per The Republic:
“The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol” says the group “Big Marijuana. Big Mistake” either violated disclosure laws or lied to the public about an advertising firm’s role in the opposition effort.
“Big Marijuana. Big Mistake” has used advertising company Northwest Strategies. The company’s majority owner and an opposition spokeswoman, Kristina Woolston, has said the ad firm was donating its time and services.
But the complaint says reports filed with the commission show Northwest Strategies being paid.
Marijuana opponents are shady. They know that they can’t defend marijuana prohibition on a level playing field, which is why they have spread propaganda for so many years. Marijuana opponents will do whatever it takes to cling to failed policies. If you live in Alaska, do what you can to support the campaign. You can find out more information about the Alaska campaign at this link here.