Military veterans deserve the utmost respect in my opinion. They put their lives on the line to serve our country, and we owe them a lot. I have friends and family that are serving, or have served. It’s not easy for them. They have to leave their families and do things that are very tough. A lot of them have life long injuries and/or suffer from PTSD. So it was very troubling for me to watch a video yesterday of Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery trying to belittle a Vietnam veteran because he consumes marijuana.
The Vietnam veteran, Don Ream, attended a debate between attorney Montgomery and Attorney Marc Victor. The debate was about whether or not Arizona should legalize marijuana, and throughout the debate Bill Montgomery kept referring to medical cannabis patients as ‘potheads.’ Don Ream, in a very calm and polite manner mind you, told Bill Montgomery during a question and answer session that it was offensive to refer to medical cannabis patients in that way. After a short exchange, Don Ream made it known that he uses marijuana for recreational purposes to. That resulted in the following response by the County Attorney, per the Free Thought Project:
“Well, then you’re violating the law, and I have no respect for you,” Montgomery said. “I have no respect for someone who would try to claim that you served this country and took an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect against all enemies foreign and domestic – because you’re an enemy.”
That statement instantly brought on several boos from the crowd, and rightfully so. That’s how much Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery hates marijuana, that he would publicly bash a Vietnam veteran, going as far as calling him ‘the enemy.’ That is so unacceptable that it’s hard for me to find the words to type right now. Shame on Bill Montgomery. He needs to be removed immediately, and I hope he is never hired as an attorney ever again in his career. Below is video footage of the exchange, so you can watch it for yourself: