Yesterday, state senator and Republican gubernatorial candidate Colin Bonini, publically stated he would sponsor a bill to tax and regulate the marijuana, a move that would make Delaware the first state in the nation to do so legislatively. This signals that the tide is shifting away from the failed policy of prohibition and toward a new, sensible way forward. Now is the time to tell your senator and representative that you agree with Sen. Bonini and ask them to support this responsible policy.
His statements came during a debate on a HB 332, a bill sponsored by Rep. Helene Keeley (D) that adds misdemeanor possession and marijuana paraphernalia possession to the list of violations that are eligible for probation before judgment, strengthening the state’s existing decriminalization program. HB 332 has now passed both chambers and hopefully will soon be signed by Gov. Jack Markell.
With the 2016 legislative session nearing its close, it’s very unlikely that a bill to regulate marijuana could pass this year. But with elections coming up, now is the time to let your state lawmakers know it’s time to end the prohibition of a substance that is safer than alcohol. Before you go, give your friends and family the opportunity to take action, too. Together we can forge a better path forward.
Maggie Ellinger-Locke
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project