March 28, 2012

Drug Lords Celebrate The Drug War At The UN

March 28, 2012
war on drugs

Host A Satire Drug Lord Party In Your Area

This is from last year, but Oregon SSDP Coordinator Sam Chapman pointed out that it would be amazing to do it this year at state capitols around the nation. It’s satire of course, but it really shows people how ludicrous the war on drugs is. Just look at the faces of the people that are walking by. It would create a media frenzy if done right, and just as they do at the end of the video below, organizers can use the opportunity to inject logic into the discussion once the satire is over. If people decide they want to do it in their area, please send over a press release so we can post it and help get the word out!

The Drug Lords International (DLI) threw a party in front of the United Nations building to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the global drug prohibition. The distinguished country delegates arriving to the 54th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) were all invited to celebrate together!

The Invitation stated:

The Drug Lords International (DLI) request the pleasure of Your company to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs at 8 AM on March 21, 2011.

Address: Wagramer Strasse 5. At the entrance of the Vienna International Center
RSVP is not required!



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