I was lucky enough to meet Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) late last year at an event hosted by the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). I have admired Mr. Blumenauer since well before I co-founded this blog in 2010. He is absolutely a champion of justice in my book. Just this week Earl Blumenauer was part of a group of Oregon congressional members that co-introduced legislation that would allow publications featuring marijuana ads to be delivered via U.S. mail.
There is going to be an event this Sunday in Portland, Oregon to honor not only Earl Blumenauer, but also to honor long time drug reform supporter and former Congressman Barney Frank. Barney Frank was a pioneer in Congress when it comes to drug reform. Mr. Frank supported cannabis reform way, way before it was fashionable. There are a lot of elected officials that are on the right side of history now, with more getting on board all the time. That wasn’t the case in Barney Frank’s day. He was a rare voice of reason in a political system that was full of reefer madness.
The cannabis industry’s federal Political Action Committee (NCIA-PAC) is co-hosting the event, which is a brunch fundraiser in honor of Representative Earl Blumenauer and former Representative Barney Frank. The event will be held on Sunday, February 7th, at The Nines in Portland, Oregon from 11 am-1 pm. Earl and Barney in the same room – what a Sunday!
The Oregon cannabis industry knocked it out of the park at a previous fundraiser for Earl Blumenauer, and I’m hopeful that happens again. Earl (and Barney!) has given our community and movement a tremendous amount of support for a long time, and the least we can do is return the favor. Below is more information about the event, via a flyer on Facebook. You can register at this link here: