It’s not a secret that there seems to be a strange absence of females in the marijuana community. There have been a few articles that have appeared, regarding why females distance themselves from cannabis. When looking through the social media pages, one might stumble upon one or two ladies that can roll up a crazy tarantula blunt, while there may be five guys who do the same thing. For every one female cannabis grower, there’s at least ten male growers. Is it the image of the female in the community or do girls just not like pot?
The image of females in the cannabis community is one that most people know I’m not fond of. While being able to understand that sex does sell in the media today, I stand by the fact that we cannot market marijuana as a medicine if it is presented by mostly naked females. Pharmaceuticals may not be truthful and the pills may not work but they understand that medicine is not sexy. Since most females involved in the cannabis community use their bodies and looks to gain popularity, it’s the ones that avoid those actions that get pushed to the side. When no one pays attention to the women who are actually attempting to make a difference, those women tend to lose their momentum and slowly fade in to the background, rather than the spot where they belong, at the front of the cannabis movement.
Marijuana was also said to effect women in a severely negative way when smoked, back when the word “marijuana” still contained an “h”. Perhaps that it is this negative scare tactic that makes women uneasy to admit that they smoke cannabis. Or perhaps women are just too afraid to attempt to establish themselves in the community, since marijuana is a cause that is primarily dominated by males. The stereotype has been around for so long that it may be permanently ingrained in people’s memories, much like the negative marijuana stereotypes in general. Unfortunately, even when looking at other industries such as alcohol and tobacco, the women involved always seem to take a backseat. Perhaps it is just the absurd media, dictating gender roles.
Everyone who loves marijuana should be able to be involved equally. Female growers deserve recognition just like male growers. Females need to get involved and be proud of the intellectual contributions that they can bring to the legalization of cannabis. There are some girls who, as said above, will use themselves to promote… Well… Themselves and there are others who will try to promote cannabis to the best of their abilities, in the most positive way possible. Come on, ladies!
Source: THCFinder.Com