July 7, 2016

Five Reasons to Leap into the Cannabis Industry Now

July 7, 2016

Two years ago, if you had told me  that I’d be going to a Cannabis Business Expo, I would have told you you’re insane.  But life game me a funny boat and a cannabis conference is where I gleefully spent a day last week.

If you don’t know much about the cannabis industry, you may think I’m a little nuts with my recently found marijuana obsession.  But attending the 2nd annual Cannabis Business Expo and provided incredible validation about this booming industry (that or, I found tons of people even more nuts than I am).


The conference was held at Jacob Javitz Center in NY City.  NY does not allow recreational marijuana use, so if you’re imagining a smoke-fest filled with stoners a’lounging, that was not the scene. It was a legitimate business conference. No music or tie-dye to be found.


  1. This industry is growing massively.  More than half of the US now allows legal medical marijuana.  The world is waking up to the remarkable benefits of this plant.  Widespread legalization is coming.
  2. NOW is the time to leap. There are few leaders in the cannabis industry – cream rises to the top unimpeded.  This boom is gonna be bigger than beanie babies, bigger than iPhones, and bigger than Amazon.  The “green rush” is aptly named.
  3. Women are killing it here. Calling all feminists – this is the gig to get into!  Cannabis is the ONLY industry that is not male dominated.  A century of prohibition has kept everyone out of the game.  Women are on equal footing here. (About damn time!) Check out WomenGrow – I’m in love with this organization!
  4. Even though recreational marijuana is not legal nationally (yet!), CBD products are legal. CBD is derived from cannabis and is NOT psychoactive, e.g. it doesn’t make you feel high.  There are a number of products hitting the national market as we speak.  There are a number of CBD supplements, creams, and ointments poised to hit retail stores.
  5. Business-to-business services are the easiest way to break into the cannabis industry. You don’t need to be a marijuana user or a cannabis user to take advantage of this untapped market.  The potential for specialization is enormous.  In every niche, from photographers and growers, to chemists and accountants, cannabis specialists are popping up.  This new industry presents unique challenges – expert knowledge is coveted.

For more information about the cannabis industry, check out:  The Cannabis Industry Association.

Hey – do you know where marijuana moms hang out online?  I know moms who smoke weed are everywhere, hiding in plain sight because of the stigma, but where do moms who smoke weed hang out online?  Someone please point me in their direction!  Anonymous insight is happily accepted.

Read more from Jessie at her site, flusteredmom.com


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