When it comes to marijuana legalization in Oregon, we win if folks turn out to vote. We lose if they don’t. Simply voting likely won’t be enough. If you support marijuana reform, you need to do more than that. A victory in Oregon is crucial to the entire movement. But the race in Oregon is much closer than most people realize, and a win all hinges on getting out the vote.
The reason the Oregon campaign matters so much is because a loss will hobble the momentum of the marijuana reform movement. If we lose, opponents will claim the wins during the last election cycle were statistical flukes, making it much harder and expensive to win more states in 2016. But if we win, we will show that public opinion has decisively changed and that future victories are inevitable.
However, we can only win if supporters turn in their ballots. Under Oregon’s vote-by-mail system, we can see who has yet to turn in their ballots, and the latest data shows that our supporters aren’t getting them in at a high enough rate. We need to change that ASAP.
Fortunately, helping is easy. One simple thing you can do is go to www.DidTheyVote.org. The app scans through your Facebook friends, finds which ones haven’t voted in Oregon and allows you to message them to remind them to get their ballots in. Our opponents are much better at turning in their ballots than we are, and most of our supporters haven’t turned in their ballots yet. Once you’ve tried out the program, encourage your friends to use it, too. Reminding people to vote is an essential part of democracy.
If you live in state, please consider volunteering as well. Go to https://voteyeson91.com/
Although it is close, Oregon is a state where we can win. I’ve seen elections that have been won or loss by just a handful of votes, and your help could be what gets us over the finish line. This is our moment to make history. Please join us in helping win a better approach to marijuana. If you are able, make a donation to the campaign.