February 25, 2011

Help Improve California Marijuana Legalization Effort

February 25, 2011

I received this e-mail and figured it was very worthwhile to pass along. I have heard many, many people complain about the deficiencies of California’s failed Proposition 19. Here is your chance to make a difference and inject your ideas into the process! Don’t sit on the fence and be a Monday morning quarterback, get active:


With many accomplishments and lessons learned through Prop 19, our movement for cannabis reform enters a new phase. As part of that work, we are interested in hearing your experience and suggestions for what you’d like to see in the future. While the next statewide initiative on cannabis reform won’t be voted on until 2012, there’s a lot we can do between now and then to improve our laws, fight for justice, and educate voters.

That’s why we’re in the process of creating an organization focused on moving cannabis policy forward in the months ahead.

As an important supporter of the movement, your feedback is critical to this process. We’ve created a survey for you to give your personal feedback — I hope you’ll take a moment to share your thoughts on how we can best work together moving forward.

Click here to fill out our survey — tell us your ideas for building the movement for sensible cannabis policy!

Were there parts of the Prop 19 campaign that really excited you, or something you’d do differently next time? This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts and make a real difference as we begin to shape the future of the movement.

Your energy and ideas are so critical to the process. Please take a moment to tell us what you think.

Share your feedback today — fill out our survey!

Thanks so much for your continued support.


Dale Jones
Spokesperson, Yes on 19


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