February 6, 2013

Help Us End Federal Prohibition Of Marijuana

February 6, 2013
law enforcement against prohibition leap Shelly Fox-Loken

law enforcement against prohibition leap marijuana prohibition congressBy Major Neill Franklin (Ret.), Executive Director, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Following our recent victories legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington, it was only a matter of time before steps were taken toward drug policy reform on a federal level.

Today, members of Congress announced an ambitious new bill that will end federal marijuana prohibition and allow states to set their own guidelines for the regulation of marijuana, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013. This groundbreaking legislation shields individual states from federal interference and allows law enforcement to focus their priorities where they belong: on solving violent crime, not wasting time and resources on nonviolent marijuana arrests.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition’s speakers were a driving force in the legalization campaigns in Colorado and Washington. Post-election polling showed that retired police and law enforcement professionals were the most visible and influential group voters saw publicly supporting the Colorado and Washington initiatives!

LEAP will continue to push legalization efforts forward every step of the way, but to do that, we need your help. Please take a minute to send a letter to Congress in support of the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013. Then, take it a step further: make a contribution to LEAP today!

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