Reefer madness is alive and well in Idaho, where the Legislature and individual municipalities are seeking to ban marijuana from their towns permanently, as a preemptive strike against any future attempts at reforming marijuana laws. Opponents of marijuana in Idaho hate marijuana so much that they are banning, even though it’s already legal, and don’t seem to care what the democratic process might hold in the future. I’m not sure this is even legal. Below is a Facebook post urging people to come out and attend the city council meeting from the always hardworking activist Lindsey Rinehart of Compassionate Idaho:
The Twin Falls City Council will be having a hearing Monday night at 5pm. They are/were considering Banning “marijuana” from their city. The Idaho Office of Drug Control Policy gave a presentation to them on why they should preemptively ban marijuana from their city.
We showed up and asked them to please not do this and we were actually able to get our chance. At least heard out enough to giveOUR presentation on why they should Not do that. Monday at 5pm we get to give a 15-20 minute presentation to the City Council on why NOT to ban marijuana. We are Very Grateful for this chance.
Please show up to Respectfully tell them why this is a bad idea. They have been very courteous to us as we have planned this presentation and we would like to keep that extended. They didn’t Have to hear us out but they are. Major props to them for being forward thinking enough to give us the chance to stand up for the patients. It’s a chance we didn’t think we would get and it’s appreciated.
If you are in Idaho, come out and show your support! Physical Address of City Hall is 321 2nd Ave. East | Twin Falls, ID 83301