November 7, 2013

Kansas Billboard Campaign Launched To Support Marijuana Legalization

November 7, 2013
fire it up kansas marijuana legalization

fire it up kansas marijuana legalizationThe marijuana activist organization ‘Fire It Up Kansas’ is back in the headlines, announcing that they are launching a billboard campaign to push for legalizing marijuana. The first billboard is being placed near the Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, and more are expected to pop up soon. Currently under Kansas law, possession of any amount of marijuana (first offense) is a misdemeanor, punishable by 1 year in jail and a $2,500 fine. Any subsequent offense is a misdemeanor or felony (up to the judge), punishable by 10-42 months in jail/prison, and a $100,000 fine.

That’s right, a possible $100,00 fine for getting caught with a dime bag two times in your life. If that isn’t reason enough to support marijuana reform in Kansas, I don’t know what is. Kansas has some of the worst marijuana laws in the nation. Getting caught with even one marijuana plant can result in 138-204 months in prison. Distribution of any amount can result in up to 51 months in prison (in addition to other charges) along with a whopping possible $300,000 fine.

The marijuana activist group ‘Fire It Up Kansas’ recently made headlines when they were denied by the adopt-a-highway program. According to it’s Facebook page, ‘Fire It Up Kansas’ is “a non profit, non-violent organization with one goal: Legalize marijuana on a state and federal level for the purpose of medicine, production, and recreation.” What are the requirements to join the Kansas adopt a highway program you might be wondering? Below is the description according to the Kansas Department of Transportation that oversees the program:

“Who can adopt a highway? Any non-profit group that does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color or sex. Group members must be at least 11 years old and have adequate adult supervision.” A requirement to join the program is to not discriminate against others, however, that doesn’t apply to the State of Kansas themselves apparently. If you are in Kansas, get active!


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