I received the following message from my hard working friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition will be covering the elections to legalize marijuana in Alaska, Oregon and DC; Prop. 47 in California, which would defelonize minor drug possession and other nonviolent crimes; and the battle to legalize medical marijuana in Florida with up-to-the-minute updates on Twitter, press releases as soon as results are announced, and frequent blog updates as results come in. In addition, some of our top representatives will be standing by for comment.
In advance of the elections, Retired Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper, who has seen legalization firsthand and just spent a week touring Alaska to talk about marijuana legalization, will be hosting a Reddit IAMA today at 4pm PT/7pm ET to discuss the current ballot measures and why he thinks legalization is good for public safety. The title will be “IAMA Retired Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper and I want to legalize marijuana. AMA!”