Mainstream media has been on of the biggest contributors to marijuana prohibition. When reefer madness rolled out in the early 1900’s, incorporating the mainstream media to brainwash the American public was a favorite tactic of marijuana opponents. If the news said it was so, it was so. Nevermind science, research, or ramifications. Get the mainstream media in your back pocket and you can convince a lot of people, regardless of what you are saying is true or not.
Below is a brief article that NORML put out talking about the issue. How many more mainstream media outlets will come out in support of marijuana reform? Will we ever see one apologize for unfounded opposition to marijuana reform all these years? I know I’m waiting for The Oregonian to apologize to Oregonians, but I won’t hold me breath:
By Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director, NORML
One’s eyes rarely lie or distort reality. So when walking by my favorite newspaper stand in downtown Washington, D.C. last night another clear political tea leaf revealed itself about the increasing acceptance in America for ending cannabis prohibition when I spied the competing covers for the most recent editions of The Nation and Reason Magazine.
Both magazines are populated with interesting and though-provoking pieces about ending cannabis prohibition, the coming commerce in cannabis post-prohibition and ‘liberal guilt’ for supporting the war on some drugs.
Source: NORML – make a donation