As of this past Monday, April 15, motorists traveling east on Interstate 70 from Kansas City near the mile marker 63 encounter a billboard featuring Jeff Mizanskey. As you likely know, Jeff is serving life without parole for a non-violent cannabis offense. The billboard is located about 17 miles west of the junction of I-70 and U.S. 65, which goes south to Sedalia, Jeff’s hometown.
The billboard is already generating more attention for Jeff’s case in the media and more calls to the Governor’s office asking for clemency. It is also forcing over 80,000 drivers each month to think about the human consequences of cannabis prohibition as they pass the sign.
The billboard costs $500 a month, and if it helps free Jeff, that’s a bargain. However, we can’t meet that expense without your help. Please take a moment now to pledge a small $20 recurring contribution to keep Jeff’s story in front of drivers on the busiest interstate in Missouri!
Those of you in the Saint Louis area can also now hear our ads running on KSHE 94.7 FM late night Wednesdays through Fridays. If you haven’t heard them yet, you can listen to them online here.
Of course, we hope to continue expanding our media presence to other markets across the state. In particular, we want to secure radio ads in Kansas City and a billboard in Springfield.
The Springfield billboard will feature Trish and Daryl Bertrand, whose lives were shattered when a SWAT team raided their home because of Daryl’s medical cannabis grow room. A generous contributor has offered to pay for the production costs of the sign — which usually run over $1,000 — but we will need people like you to step forward to help cover the $600 monthly fee.
In Kansas City, I plan to start off our ads with $1,000 monthly budget, and there are several contributors who have already pledged a couple hundred dollars each month to support those efforts. I believe we can have all this media in place by mid-May, but only with your help. Please make a contribution now!
Source: National Cannabis Coalition – make a donation