January 7, 2014

Marijuana Legalization Vote In New Hampshire On Wednesday

January 7, 2014
new hampshire marijuana

new hampshire marijuana legalization hb 492The New Hampshire House of Representatives will be voting on a marijuana legalization bill on Wednesday. There is a rally in conjunction with the vote. Below is more information from the Facebook page for the event. If you are in the area, I highly encourage you to participate:

This bill comes up for vote on January 8th, the same day as HB 675, the bill to legalize license plate readers.

Come to the State House on January 8th and let these folks know we haven’t forgotten about this bill! (Reps start showing up at 8:30 am – a good time to grab them is on the way in)

In the meantime, start burning up those Representatives’ phone lines; shoot off some emails — a few minutes of your time can make all the difference!

I. Legalizes the personal use of up to one ounce of marijuana by persons 21 years of age or older.

II. Authorizes the licensing of marijuana wholesale, retail, cultivation, and testing facilities.

III. Imposes a tax on the sale of marijuana.

(Okay, Part III sucks, but it’s a start!)

One caveat: We want Reps to vote AGAINST the COMMITTEE REPORT of Inexpedient to Legislate and then vote FOR Ought to Pass as Amended. The Committee Report MUST be overturned first, then the Minority Committee Report with Amendment can be adopted.

Find your Legislator:

Body of the bill:

There is another event set up for HB675; call, write, and come wave your signs – same time, same place. Coordination of efforts/activists could make a huge impact!



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