March 20, 2012

Marijuana Policy In Indiana

March 20, 2012
indiana marijuana house bill hb 1006

indiana marijuanaIndiana Marijuana Policy

Indiana has some of the harshest marijuana laws in the nation. If you live in Indiana, I feel for you. If you are a marijuana consumer planning a trip to, or thru, Indiana, you might want to think twice before you act. Below are the current marijuana laws in Indiana, courtesy of Indiana NORML:

Decriminalized? — No.

Possession of 30 grams or less is a misdemeanor, punishable by 1 year in jail and a $5,000 fine. Conditional release is possible if it is the first offense. After completing diversion, all charges are stricken from the offender’s record.

Possession of more than 30 grams is a misdemeanor or felony (depending on first or subsequent offenses), punishable by 6 months to 3 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

Distributing or cultivating 30 grams or less is a misdemeanor, punishable by 1 year in jail and a $5,000 fine.

Distributing or cultivating 30 grams to 10 lbs is a felony, punishable by 6 months to 3 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

Distributing or cultivating 10 lbs or more is a felony, punishable by 2-8 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Distributing or cultivating any amount within 1,000 feet of a school or other specified area is a felony, punishable by 2-8 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, in addition to other related charges.

Distributing any amount to a minor is a felony, punishable by 6 months to 3 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

Possession of paraphernalia (first offense) is a civil fine, punishable by a $10,000 fine.

Possession of paraphernalia (subsequent offense) is a felony, punishable by 6 months to 3 years in jail and a $10,000 fine.

Frequenting a place where drug activity occurs is a misdemeanor, punishable by 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Any marijuana offense results in suspended driving privileges for 6 months to 2 years.

Medical Program? — No.

Want to bring marijuana reform to Indiana? Below are some great places to get started, via our Indiana activism page:

Indiana Americans for Safe Access

Indiana Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Indiana Marijuana Policy Project

Indiana Norml


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