Colorado, North Dakota, And Arkansas Are Facing Increased Opposition
By Rob Kampia, Marijuana Policy Project
You know it’s election season when campaigns supported by MPP are confronted by adversaries in three states simultaneously. We need your help to defeat all three adversaries. Can you afford to help us cover the legal fees that could amount to $25,000 across all three states?
The three lawsuits involve three statewide ballot initiatives, all of which need to be placed on the November 6 ballot … so we must act immediately.
1. COLORADO LEGALIZATION INITIATIVE: On September 6, we learned that Colorado government officials gutted the summary of our initiative that will be mailed to all 2,000,000 Colorado households. The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol filed suit immediately, in an attempt to ensure that the strongest arguments in favor of this historic initiative to end marijuana prohibition are not unfairly excluded from the voter guides.
2. NORTH DAKOTA MEDICAL MARIJUANA INITIATIVE: On September 4, the North Dakota government announced that it intends to prevent North Dakotans for Compassionate Care’s medical marijuana initiative from appearing on the ballot, because a handful of college football players and their friends conspired to include forged signatures on the initiative petitions. While we’ll be pushing for both criminal and civil punishments against these confessed criminals, the problem is that the state government violated its own rules by throwing out all of the signatures these individuals had submitted, while acknowledging that some of the signatures might have actually been valid. As a result, we plan to financially support a lawsuit to compel the North Dakota government to follow its own regulations.
3. ARKANSAS MEDICAL MARIJUANA INITIATIVE: On August 31, a coalition of four “family” organizations sued the Arkansas state government, claiming that the ballot title of the medical marijuana initiative is misleading and insufficient. While the legal claims are extremely weak, it’s now necessary for Arkansans for Compassionate Care to defend the initiative in court.
So the three statewide ballot initiatives we’re actively supporting this year are getting triple-teamed right now — by a state government, by fraudulent football players, and by pseudo “family” organizations.
Please help us defend these three landmark ballot initiatives in court by donating a large sum of money toward the $25,000 that we need in order to help defend the initiatives in three different state courts.
November 6 was supposed to be the best Election Day in the history of our movement. But now we’re not sure, because we must help these three campaigns win a triad of lawsuits ASAP. Would you please donate what you can today?