An initiative that would legalize marijuana in Nevada has officially been certified by the Nevada Secretary of State. The Nevada Legislature will be given the opportunity to review and pass the initiative, and if the Nevada Legislature fails to do so, the initiative will then automatically go on the 2016 ballot. I’m hopeful that the Nevada Legislature will do what no other state legislature has done before and approve marijuana legalization. But, if not, I’m confident that the citizens of Nevada will approve the initiative on Election Day 2016.
Below is a reaction to the initiative’s certification from my friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition:
On Monday, Nevada’s Secretary of State Ross Miller approved an official petition to add marijuana legalization to the 2016 November ballot. The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol needed to file 102,000 signatures but ultimately filed about 200,000. If passed, the measure would establish marijuana cultivation and distribution businesses as well as legalize adult possession of up to an ounce.
“Nevada joins an ever-growing list of states with marijuana legalization on the 2016 ballot,” says Maj. Neill Franklin (Ret.), executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, a law enforcement group opposed to the war on drugs. “Marijuana prohibition has put countless otherwise innocent people in jail and increased street violence just as alcohol prohibition did in the 1920s. Nevada is ready to prioritize public safety and we look forward to seeing their state and others responsibly regulate marijuana so that law enforcement can focus on more pressing crimes.”
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit of law enforcement officers who want to end the war on drugs.