June 30, 2014

Nevada’s Campaign To Legalize Cannabis In 2016 Has Begun

June 30, 2014
nevada senate bill 344

nevada marijuanaThe 2010 Election saw California become the first state to vote on cannabis legalization. The 2012 Election led to Colorado and Washington becoming the first two states to legalize cannabis in America. The 2014 Election will likely see Oregon and Alaska added to the list of states where cannabis is legal. 2016 is already shaping up to be a very big year for reform, with numerous states planning campaigns.

One of those states is Nevada, which launched its campaign recently. Per 8NewsNow:

A coalition aimed at legalizing all marijuana use in Nevada launched a petition drive Tuesday in hopes of collecting more than 100,000 signatures.

State Senator Tick Segerblom and Joe Brezny, the former Republican Senate Caucus executive director, kicked off the drive by being the first to sign the petition. Their goal is to get enough signatures that support ending marijuana prohibition in Nevada. Both men are part of the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

Nevada would benefit greatly from reform. Considering the fact that places like Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Las Vegas are already top tourist destinations, legalizing recreational cannabis sales would generate enormous amounts of tax revenues, jobs, and money for the local economy. Currently, possession, cultivation, or distribution of cannabis in Nevada results in fines, rehab, and potential jail time.

2016 is a ways away, but if Nevada legalizes cannabis sales, the wait will be well worth it. Starting the campaign early is a great move, and it’s a strategy that I hope other states follow. It’s time every state takes a new approach.

Source: International Cannabis Business Conference


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