Loretta Lynch is the nominee to replace outgoing United States Attorney General Eric Holder. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding her stance on marijuana, with some outlets erroneously stating that she disagrees with Obama when it comes to marijuana policy. The truth is, if confirmed, Loretta Lynch would not push for any changes to Obama’s current policies. The feds will allow states to proceed with marijuana legalization, however they reserve the right to step in and prosecute people that they sit fit. She will not push for marijuana legalization. Per Tom Angell’s article for Marijuana.Com:
The Obama administration’s nominee to replace Eric Holder as attorney general would continue the Justice Department’s policy of letting states implement marijuana legalization largely without federal interference as long as several public safety criteria continue to be met by those states.
Loretta Lynch, who would become the first African-American woman to serve as the nation’s attorney general, said during a hearingbefore the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the administration’s current approach “certainly would be my policy if confirmed as attorney general.”
In response to questioning from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Lynch described the policy as an attempt to ”work with state systems that have chosen to take admittedly a different approach from the federal government with respect to marijuana.”
I think what we can expect from Loretta Lynch is more of the same. She will pursue a more progressive approach to marijuana reform than past administrations, but comprehensive federal reform will not occur while she is around. There will be no federal marijuana legalization being pushed by her office, or rescheduling of marijuana on her watch. Will she be an ardent opponent of marijuana? No. But will she take it upon herself to make any progressive changes as Attorney General? The answer would be no to that as well. Be prepared for things to stay how they are now.