I received the following alert out of New Hampshire:
The New Hampshire Senate will have one last chance to reduce marijuana possession penalties before this year’s legislative session ends. On Thursday, the Senate will vote on SB 498, which has been amended by the House to decriminalize possession of one-quarter ounce or less of marijuana for first offenses.
This compromise bill is far from perfect, but even in this modest form it would prevent many Granite Staters from being arrested and hauled into court for possessing small amounts of marijuana. Please take a few minutes to find out how your senator voted on the previous decriminalization bill — then, call your senator and Gov. Maggie Hassan and urge them to support this compromise. If you only have a minute to spare, please click here to send your senator a quick email.
Please also share this message with your family and friends.
Matt Simon
New England Political Director
Marijuana Policy Project