Luckily for TWB, this year’s Conference is held in beautiful Portland, OR – right in our backyard! Hope to see you there:
NORML 2010 Conference Agenda
Wednesday, September 8
5:00- 9:00pm
OR NORML’s ‘Welcome Pre-Registration Happy Hour and Live Music’
Kindly sponsored by: The World Famous Oregon NORML Cannabis Café and Alternative Medical Choices
Acoustic guitar by local singer/songwriter Josh Belville
Thursday, September 9
Moderator: George Rohrbacher, NORML Board of Directors
9:00- 9:30am
NORML Board Chair Steve Dillon, Esq.,
Cannabis Conundrum: Legalization vs. Medicalization
NORML’s Executive Director Allen St. Pierre
U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D)
10:00- 11:15am
Just Say Now: Full Legalization, Full Steam Ahead
Representative from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Michael Whitney,
David Nott, Executive Director, Reason Foundation
Craig Reinarman, Ph.D, Univ. of California/Santa Cruz
Moderator: Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director, NORML
11:15- 11:30am
11:30- 1:00pm
Pot Politics 2010 and Beyond
Chris Goldstein, Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana, PA medical use legislation
John Sajo, VoterPower (OR)
Chris Conrad (Prop 19), The California legalization initiative on the ballot in November
Matt Abel, NORML Legal Committee, Detroit decriminalization initiative
Emmett Reistroffer, South Dakota Coalition for Compassion, SD medical marijuana initiative
Bill Piper, Drug Policy Alliance, Washington, DC dispensary system
Moderator: Keith Stroup, Esq., NORML Founder and Legal Counsel
1:00- 2:00pm
Lunch (On Your Own)
Screening of the ESPN documentary ‘Run, Ricky Run’
Sean Pamphilon, Director and former ESPN producer
2:15- 4:20pm
Breakout Sessions
(includes a 15-minute break mid-session)
1. Tools and Strategies For NORML Chapters And Grassroots Activists
Anthony Johnson (Coalition for Patients’ Rights) –
Ballot Initiatives, Local and Statewide, From Concept to Ballot
Garret Overstreet (Tulsa NORML) –
Leveraging the Power of the Internet and Social Networks
Moderator: Russ Belville, NORML National Outreach Coordinator
Using Data to Make Your Case for Legalization
2. High Times Cultivation: Ready, Set, Grow!
Moderator: Danny Danko, Cultivation Editor, High Times
3. Oregon NORML: Law Reform and Activism
Paul Loney Esq., Oregon NORML Legal Director, NORML Legal Committee
Anna Diaz, Oregon NORML Board of Directors
Jim Hickman, Oregon NORML Salem Executive Director
Moderator: Madeline Martinez, Director, OR NORML
4. Warning: Marijuana Is Still Illegal For Non-Patients! Legal Defenses and Strategies For Cannabis Consumers
Moderator: Norm Kent, NORML Board of Directors
5:00- 8:00pm
High Times/NORML Activist Awards and Silent Auction
Kindly sponsored by: High Times Magazine
Friday, September 10
Moderator: Madeline Martinez, Director, OR NORML
9:00- 9:45am
Rick Steves, Best-selling travel author and TV show host
9:45- 10:30am
Lessons From The ‘Dry Decade’: What Cannabis Law Reformers Can Learn From Alcohol Reformers
Richard Evans, NORML Board Member (ret.)
10:30- 10:45am
10:45- Noon
The New Jim Crow: Marijuana Prohibition
Harry Levine, Ph.D, Queens College
Jasmine Tyler, Drug Policy Alliance
Representative from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Moderator: Madeline Martinez, Oregon NORML
Noon- 1:00pm
NORML Women’s Alliance: Women, Cannabis and Respect
Madeline Martinez, Oregon NORML
Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D, Drug Policy Alliance (ret.)
Greta Gaines, Nashville musician
Moderator: Sabrina Fendrick, coordinator, NORML Women’s Alliance
1:00- 2:30pm
Luncheon Keynote: Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R)
2:30- 3:30pm
Why Is Industrial Hemp Still Relevant?
3:30- 4:20pm
80 Years of Reefer Movie Madness
Presenters: Steve Bloom and Shirley Halperin (authors of Reefer Movie Madness)
Introduction by Keith Stroup, NORML founder
6:00- 10:00pm
NORML Fundraiser Party
Master of Ceremonies — California Cannabis Comedian Ngaio Bealum
Latin-flavored reefer rap by Las Vegas’ hip-hop trio Los Marijuanos
Chronic country-rock by Nashville’s musical satirist Chief Greenbud
Saturday, September 11
The Science, Politics, and Legality of Medical Cannabis
Moderator: Chris Goldstein, Coalition for Medical Marijuana, New Jersey
9:00- 9:15am
Medical Cannabis: The Moral Imperative, Institutional Impediment, Individual Discrimination and the End of the ‘Medical’ Cannabis Industry Post Prohibition
Allen St. Pierre, NORML, Executive Director
9:15- 10:00am
Medical Marijuana: Clinical Applications, Physiology and Patient Education
Dustin Sulak, MD
10:00- 11:15am
It Can’t Hurt to Ask — Research on Patient Experiences With Medical Cannabis
Amanda Reiman, Ph.D, UC Berkeley, Berkeley Patients Group
Medical cannabis as a drug substitute
Jenny Janichek, HHC Harm Reduction Clinical Consultant
Cannabis as an ‘exit’ drug
Dale Gieringer, Ph.D, California NORML,
Patient experiences with CBD-prominent cannabis strains
Frank Lucido, MD, Berkeley
Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Moderator: Philippe Lucas, Center for Addictions Research of BC, the Vancouver Island Compassion Society, Victoria City Council
11:15- 11:30am
11:30- 1:00pm
Not Your Father’s Medical Marijuana – Latest Breakthrough in Cannabis Science
Greg Carter, MD, U of WA School of Medicine
Cannabinoids as neuroprotectants
Jahan Marcu, Temple University
Anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids and implications for clinical applications
Michelle Sexton, ND, U of WA School of Medicine
Anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids and implications for clinical applications
Paul Armentano, Deputy Director, NORML
Moving beyond symptom management
Moderator: Mitch Earlywine, Ph.D (SUNY/Albany)
Cannabinoids therapeutics in psychiatric disorders, pros and cons
1:00- 2:30pm
Lunch (on your own)
Screening of the film: “What If Cannabis Cured Cancer?”
by Len Richmond
2:30- 4:00pm
The Future of Medical Cannabis Distribution
Warren Edson, Esq., NORML Legal Committee
Pros/cons of Colorado dispensary regulations
Leland Berger, Esq., NORML Legal Committee
Pro/cons of proposed Oregon dispensary measure
Matt Abel, Esq., NORML Legal Committee
Grey market for medical dispensaries in Michigan
Rielle Capler, Canadians for Safe Access
Pros/cons of Canadian government distribution model
Jill Harris, Director of Public Policy, Drug Policy Alliance
East coast, state regulated dispensary models (RI, ME, NJ)
Bill Panzer, Esq., NORML Board of Directors
Latest developments in CA, esp. LA ordinance and QPA v Anaheim
Moderator: Keith Stroup, Esq., Founder/Legal Counsel, NORML
4:00- 4:15pm
4:15- 5:30pm
Which Way For Medical Marijuana?
Russ Belville, National Outreach Coordinator, NORML
Do medical marijuana laws pose a ‘boxed canyon’ for broader reform efforts
Stephen DeAngelo, CEO, Harborside Health Center
Stephen Gutwillig, Drug Policy Alliance — California
Medical marijuana law reform inherently moves forward broader reform efforts
Steph Sherer, Executive Director, Americans for Safe Access
Medical marijuana is, and should remain, a separate issue from broader reform efforts
Moderator: David Bienenstock (High Times Medical Marijuana Magazine)
5:30- 6:00pm
The Future of Medical Cannabis: Moving Forward and
Countering Our Critics
Paul Armentano, Deputy Director, NORML