NORML officially endorsed John Hanger for Governor of Pennsylvania yesterday. It’s not everyday that a potential governor gets an endorsement from the marijuana reform community, especially in Pennsylvania. I can’t think of any candidate for Governor in my home state of Oregon that has received an endorsement from the marijuana community. However, it’s an important endorsement, just ask Dwight Holton. Dwight Holton was winning the Oregon Attorney General’s race handily until his opponent Ellen Rosenblum received support from the marijuana reform community. Ellen ended up winning in a landslide.
It’s refreshing to see a candidate for Governor embraced by the marijuana reform community. I think it’s going to be something we see happen more often going forward. Right now an endorsement by the marijuana community is largely symbolic in a candidate race, with maybe a small financial contribution. But eventually, it will mean sizable donations to the supported candidate. Once politicians see that money is coming from our community, they will flock to us and beg for our endorsements.
“Hanger is the only candidate who isn’t afraid to openly discuss and campaign on a platform that calls for widespread reform of Pennsylvania’s marijuana laws,” said NORML Communications Director Erik Altieri, according to Keystone Politics. “Since the start of his campaign, John Hanger has been a passionate and outspoken advocate of ending Pennsylvania’s war on marijuana and moving the state towards a smarter approach.”
Under current law in Pennsylvania, possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. Wouldn’t it be nice if possession of 30 grams or less were legal, and the jail beds that were formerly dedicated to marijuana users were now reserved for real criminals? Also, wouldn’t it be great if suffering patients in Pennsylvania could get the safe access they needed to alleviate their ailments? If you agree, vote for John Hanger! To learn more about his campaign, check out his website.