March 27, 2013

Please Donate To Support NJWeedman’s Jury Nullification Tour

March 27, 2013
NJWeedman - Jury Nullification tour

NJWeedman - Jury Nullification tourNJWeedman needs your help to complete his Jury Nullification Tour. Below is information:

THE PLAN – iterniary

JUNE 1st, 2013 begin summer long Jury Nullification Tour from the steps of the Burlington County Courthouse, meadering around the country and ending in Hollywood California on Sept 6th “JURY RIGHT DAY”.

“My life was saved by Jury Nullification and I want to give back to society by helping other marijuana defendants across the country. Enlightening their local public to a Constitutional tool for “WE THE PEOPLE” to win this “War on drugs” with NULLIFICATION!”


NJWeedman says this is a real “WAR” that is waged on “us”; by our own Government. We must resist, we must fight back con Capitulation, No Cooperation and no convictions. NJWeedman thus is wants to go on the offense, “PIMPIN OUT” his weedmobil with cameras/audio and a plan to make a “reality show series” and a documentary out of his 420 adventures.

He wants to take his “WEEDMOBIL” on the road, visiting towns and cities across the country lending support and Jury Nullification enlightenment to targeted Juries and communities nationally. Getting airtime on local radio and TV. Stopping at “high” profile marijuana festivals such as the, Seattle Hemp Fest, and Boston Freedom Rally. All the while video recording everything around and in THE WEEDMOBIL, the center of his travels. -

Most importantly NJweedman wants to roll into towns a few weeks before a marijuana defendants trial begins. With the goal of using himself and THE WEEDMOBIL to generate news stories in the local newspapers talking about Jury Nullification – reaching this individuals potential jurors. NJweedman wants to distribute massive amounts of fija fliers ( ), and pass out leaflets explaining Jury Nullification all round the courthouse precending trial  as he did in his own trial -

NJWeedman wants to pitch this idea to major TV networks as a reality show and for a documentary.

The idea will be – once the show gets publicity Defendants nation-wide wishing or seeking to use the NJWeedman defense will enlist his help. We envision they would call and ask him and THE WEEDMOBIL to come to their town – to make a big deal of their case and promote Jury Nullification “420”. - These defendants would appear in that segment of the show explaining their situation and intentions. They will be featured as that weeks Drug War Victim.

Click here to donate!


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