My work is ruthless when it comes to marijuana use, even when it is off the clock. Recently my co-worker got in an argument with another co-worker which resulted in a mediation meeting with management. During the mediation one co-worker spilled the beans about seeing the other co-worker consume marijuana before work. This resulted in a drug test, which the employee failed, and the employee was terminated.
There was no proof that the person was impaired at work, or for that matter there was no proof they were impaired at all ever. However, the drug test indicated that the person had consumed marijuana within the last 30 days, and that was enough to fire her. Sadly, this is a very common occurrence across America. I know I personally live in fear that my employer will find out about my marijuana use and that I will be terminated. It’s very hard to find a job these days, and losing my job would ruin my life.
Do you think that being fired for marijuana use outside of work is OK, even in states where marijuana use is legal? I’m assuming if you are reading this blog you would offer up a resounding ‘NO!’ If so, you would not be alone according to a new poll released by the Huffington Post and YouGov. According to the poll
According to the new poll, a majority of Americans — 64 percent to 22 percent — think that if marijuana were to be legalized in their state, it would be unacceptable for a company to fire an employee for smoking it during his or her free time.
But when simply asked whether it would be unacceptable for a company to fire an employee for smoking marijuana off the clock — excluding the question of whether or not marijuana use was legal — a 45-percent plurality of respondents said it would be unacceptable, compared to 32 percent who said it would be acceptable.
When marijuana inevitably becomes legal across the nation, I hope no one is fired for consuming marijuana off the clock. But I guess only time will tell. Until then, I’ll hunker down in my cubicle, live in fear, and hope that I don’t get fired for making the safer choice after work.