July 12, 2015

Show-Me Cannabis Money Bomb Raises Over $7,000

July 12, 2015
show me cannabis money bomb missouri marijuana

show me cannabis money bomb missouri marijuanaBy John Payne

Thank you to everyone who participated in our fourth annual Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Money Bomb over the holiday weekend. Since the money bomb began on July 2, we have raised $7,215!

That is one of our best money bombs to date, but it is still a bit short of our $10,000 goal, so we will continue the pledge drive until we hit our mark. Before we can succeed at the ballot box or with a petition drive, we have to procure the resources to make that success possible, so if you did not have a chance to make a contribution last weekend, please take this opportunity to make a difference in Missouri cannabis policy!

Perhaps the easiest way to make that difference is by signing up as a monthly contributor to Show-Me Cannabis. By contributing just $5 or $10 each month, you can help provide the reliable resources we will need to take our fight to the voters of Missouri on Election Day 2016. We also count new monthly pledges as five times the value of a one-time contribution when meeting a fundraising goal.

Depending upon when you read this, there is a good chance that we have passed 100,000 likes on our Facebook page. As far as I can tell, that makes us the largest Missouri public policy group on that social network. Even if we include Missouri politicians, the only one who comes close is Senator Claire McCaskill, who has 83,000 likes on her Facebook page.

There is tremendous potential in those numbers, but they have to grow into something more than a collection of online profiles to make a real impact. Don’t get me wrong: Online engagement is great, and the more people we can reach on any platform the better.

But we can’t only be keyboard activists, so if that has been the extent of your cannabis activism so far, I would challenge you to take action in the physical world by having a face to face conversation about cannabis policy with your family or neighbors, attending a Show-Me Cannabis event, and making a small, monthly pledge to Show-Me Cannabis. With 100,000 followers on Facebook — and thousands more on email, text, Twitter, etc. — if even just one in ten gave $5 a month, that would amount to $50,000 a month, $600,000 a year from grassroots contributors to reform Missouri’s cannabis laws!

There is great strength in numbers, so join over 1,000 individuals like you and make a contribution to Show-Me Cannabis now!

Source: Show-Me Cannabis


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