The campaign to allow limited social marijuana consumption in Denver is coming down to the wire. Below is a message I received from the campaign, via Vicente and Sederburg:
It is coming down the wire. The Denver Social Cannabis Consumption Initiative has less than two weeks to collect the signatures needed to qualify for the November ballot. We can get it done, but we need your help!
This initiative, which would provide cannabis users in Denver similar rights as alcohol users, will be a historic step forward, keeping Colorado on the front lines of reform. In fact, with Brian Vicente and Mason Tvert as co-proponents, it is almost a continuation of Amendment 64.
We hope that you will get behind this effort. The Committee for Limited Social Cannabis Consumption has raised $15,000 but must raise at least another $10,000 to ensure that it has enough money to pay for the signature drive. Can you please make a contribution?
Members of the cannabis community have already stepped up. Denver Relief’s Kayvan Khalatbari made the first big splash with a $2,500 contribution. Chris Chiari matched that amount. Other industry leaders, such as Travis Howard (Shift Cannabis Co.) and Jan Cole (The Farm) have contributed $1,000 to the campaign. And a few more have chipped in $500 or $250. We hope that you can match this generosity.
Contributing is easy. Just visit the campaign’s GoFundMe page – - and use your credit card. (If you contribute $50 or more, the campaign will need to follow up to obtain some additional information.) If you prefer to make a contribution by check, just reply to this email and we will tell you how to do that.
We are spending our time on this campaign because we believe it is a critical step toward bringing cannabis and cannabis users out of the shadows. Those of us who enjoy cannabis shouldn’t be forced to sit at home in order to consume it. And if alcohol users are allowed to socialize together, whether they are listening to music, shooting some pool, or just laughing and hanging out, then cannabis users deserve the same freedom.
For years, members of the Vicente Sederberg team have been intimately involved in efforts to end marijuana prohibition and establish a responsible cannabis industry in Colorado and around the country. From Brian Vicente and Josh Kappel’s work with Sensible Colorado to Steve Fox’s work on SAFER and the Amendment 64 campaign to Christian Sederberg’s dedication to post-Amendment 64 implementation efforts, they have consistently fought for progress. This initiative embodies that same spirit.
So please consider supporting this historic campaign by making a contribution today.
Thanks in advance for joining us in this fight.
– The VS team