November 20, 2012

‘Too High To Fail’ Author Doug Fine On Conan

November 20, 2012
doug fine too high to fail conan

doug fine too high to fail conanBest-selling author Doug Fine’s appearance on Conan was replayed on TBS last night and it is certainly worth watching.  Mr. Fine discussed Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution and it is apparent that Conan, his sidekick Andy and the studio audience all agreed that the Drug War is an utter failure.  Doug, who also wrote the best-selling book, Farewell, My Subaru, does a great job making the economic argument to ending cannabis prohibition in a way that can appeal to Middle America as he himself is a farmer who values his family life and doesn’t want a continuation of policies that endangers children and other innocent people who often get caught in the middle of the Drug War.  If you haven’t read Too High to Fail yet, please do and spread the word. It is a fun read with great information and certainly makes a great gift this holiday season.

Doug has taken the opportunity to discuss his vision of replacing the Drug War with a new Drug Peace Era across the country has he promotes his latest book.  It is very heartening to hear Doug talk about his travels across America promoting the Drug Peace and to hear that people from all walks of life are ready to discuss and learn about ending cannabis prohibition.   It is fortunate for the cannabis law reform movement to have such a tremendous wordsmith utilizing his verbal and literary skills to help educate the public in an entertaining manner that keeps their attention and doesn’t alienate anyone.


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