Apparently the United States House of Representatives thinks there is an epidemic of people using welfare money to buy recreational marijuana. I personally haven’t heard of anyone doing it in Washington and Colorado. Welfare money is always a hot-button issue in Washington D.C. and throughout America. Late yesterday the House of Representatives passed a bill that would make it harder for people to use welfare money to buy marijuana. Per ABC News:
The House passed a bill Tuesday that could make it a little harder for people to use government welfare payments to buy marijuana in states where the drug is legal.
Supporters call it the “no welfare for weed” bill.
The bill would prevent people from using government-issued welfare debit cards to make purchases at stores that sell marijuana. It would also prohibit people from using the cards to withdraw cash from ATMs in those stores.
A 2012 federal law already prevents people from using welfare debit cards at liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs.
The bill is limited in that it only prevents someone from withdrawing money or making a direct purchase at a marijuana store. To get around the law, all someone has to do is withdraw money from an ATM that is not located at a marijuana store. I have a much more solid way to ensure people aren’t using welfare money to buy recreational marijuana – legalize marijuana cultivation for all Americans. If people could grow a few marijuana plants themselves, the need to buy marijuana at stores (with welfare money or otherwise) would be reduced dramatically. But I don’t think Congress will go for that. This bill targets marijuana consumers and those on welfare, two areas of American society that politicians love to go after. I don’t see them giving up on that anytime soon.