CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform Organization
Since The Weed Blog is based out of the United States, we focus mainly on marijuana reform in the United States. However, as our traffic overseas grows, we will try to meet the demand to bring news and information from your area. One group that is fighting very hard to bring cannabis reform to the UK is CLEAR. Here is some information from CLEAR’s website:
Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR) is a political party registered with the Electoral Commission under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA). We are registered on the Great Britain register for England, Scotland and Wales and on the Northern Ireland register. We have declared that we intend to contest UK general elections and also the combined region of the South West and Gibraltar at European Parliamentary elections.
For the purposes of the PPERA, Peter Reynolds is the party leader and nominating officer, Janice Wells is the party treasurer.
CLEAR has adopted the Electoral Commission’s model financial scheme which demonstrates how we will comply with the legal requirements of party and election finances under PPERA. The CLEAR financial scheme is reproduced in full here.
Equal Opportunities
We believe it is essential to CLEAR’s principles, productivity, and efficacy to enable activists of all backgrounds to reach their full potential by encouraging an environment that is inclusive to all. To this end, and within the framework and spirit of the law, we are committed to achieving and maintaining a support and activist base which broadly reflects the community at large.
CLEAR whole-heartedly supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, disability, age, religious belief, sexual orientation or marital status. We welcome people who support cannabis law reform from whatever cultural, ethnic or political backgrounds, be they cannabis users or not.
We believe that it is in CLEAR’s best interests and of all those who work as part of it, to attract, retain and develop a diverse pool of activists and supporters. Every possible step will be taken to ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly, and members are invited to raise concerns with us if they feel an infringement to this policy has been made. Members found to be in violation of the CLEAR equal opportunities policy will face suspension and ultimately expulsion form the party.
CLEAR’s constitution is reproduced in full here.
These are the members of the Executive Committee.
Peter Reynolds was elected leader of CLEAR in February 2011. Aged 54 and a professional writer all his life, Peter lives on the Dorset coast with his two dogs, an overworked computer and an overflowing in tray. More information is available at his personal website:
Mark Palmer has been a long time supporter of cannabis law reform, involved from the very beginning of the LCA. He is now Acting Deputy Leader and involved in events organising and promotion.
Derek Williams — Long time law reform activist with UKCIA, now CLEAR website editor
Jan Wells is the treasurer and secretary of CLEAR and is responsible for all membership administration and finance. She is a lecturer in I.T. and now lives near Redhill in Surrey with her partner, two children and a dog.
Greg de Hoedt, aka Cure Ukay, is well known through his podcasts and CannabisCureTV. He is now in charge of all CLEAR’s multimedia activities
CLEAR committee meeting minutes:
11th March 2011 (LCA)
Fellowship of the party is the highest honour. See here for a current list of fellows.