One of my favorite things about the Super Bowl is the commercials. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in a state without a professional football team (Oregon). Funny commercials are my particular favorite. I never understood someone paying millions of dollars to run a commercial that doesn’t stand out because it’s extremely plain and could have been played during any other time for far less money. But then again those companies make a lot of money, and I’m just a viewer eating chicken wings so who am I to pass judgement.
I had a talk with a buddy today about how long it will take for a marijuana commercial to air during the Super Bowl. Marijuana is legal in two states, many more are on their way, and prohibition can’t last forever. Marijuana companies are growing and corporations are infiltrating the industry. A company is bound to have a marketing budget large enough to advertise on the larger state on television when the time is right. Right now there is no company large enough to afford a spot, which cost upwards of 4 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time. But someday that things will be different.
What kind of commercial do you think they will air? Will it be a commercial for a smoking device like a CannaCig? Or will it be for an ancillary product like growing equipment? What if it isn’t an industry based commercial, but a political one? It’s hard to envision any or all national organization(s) affording the price tag for a Super Bowl commercial spot, but maybe someday we could pool together enough money from some large funders. Could you imagine the reaction that would get? Airing a ‘regulate marijuana like alcohol’ commercial ad right after a Budweiser commercial would draw a ton of publicity, and let the world know that reformers are ready to operate on the largest public stage in America.
What do readers think? When do you think a marijuana commercial will air during a Super Bowl? Or do you think that might not ever happen? If so, why not? If you do think it will eventually happen, what kind of commercial do you think it will be? Or if you had it your way, what kind of commercial would you like to see? Perhaps Willie Nelson and Dave Chappelle doing a skit…just a thought!