January 1, 2012

Who Is Compassionate Idaho?

January 1, 2012
Compassionate Idaho

Compassionate IdahoCompassionate Idaho Is Fighting For Marijuana Reform In One Of The Most Conservative States In America

A lot of my family lives in Idaho, and I would visit there quite a bit when I was growing up. I have only visited a few times as an adult because there just isn’t a lot to do in Idaho, and quite frankly, their marijuana laws scare me. I of course live on the other side of the Snake River in Oregon, and I have been a patient in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) for several years now. Even before I was a member of the OMMP, I still lived in a state that was the first in the nation to decriminalize possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.

To compare the two states, I once got caught with a half ounce of marijuana in Oregon and received a ticket and nothing more. My cousin got caught in Idaho with a pipe with marijuana resin in it (no actual marijuana) and had to do jail time with probation. As a result of Idaho’s harsh marijuana laws, when I do go to visit next time, I’m renting a room in Ontario and keeping my marijuana there. But don’t fear citizens of Idaho, there is a great organization that is fighting on your behalf! Compassionate Idaho was first brought to my attention by the amazing Serra Frank who is with Moms For Marijuana, also based out of Idaho. Moms for Marijuana will have an article on TWB soon, but the purpose of this article is to explain to TWB’s readers who Compassionate Idaho is, here’s what the Compassionate Idaho website has to say:

“Compassionate Idaho is a grassroots organization of citizens in the great State of Idaho who believe that the people should have a choice in whether or not medical Marijuana is made available to our neighbors. Let the people decide on Medical Marijuana for the sick and dying!”

Compassionate Idaho is trying to gather signatures to bring medical marijuana to Idaho, here is more information:

Sign the Petition

Join us twice a month at the Idaho Pizza Company
1677 S. Broadway Ave
Boise, Idaho

the 1st Saturday of the month @ 4:20pm
the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 6:30pm

Circulation Management

For questions & concerns contact:

Sarah Caldwell
[email protected]

Lindsey Rinehart
mailto:[email protected]


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