Carpinteria, Calif. – Like it or not, cannabis is the 805’s new cash crop and three Carpinteria women have launched a business to celebrate the often misunderstood plant.
Described as a cannabis information and health resource, KopSun is akin to a personal consultant for the cannabis lifestyle. The new venture provides in-depth information on cannabis, its health benefits, consumer products, industry news, pertinent legal matters, and a portal for purchasing curated inventory.
Almost by happenstance, Leigh-Anne Anderson, Tina Fanucchi-Frontado, and Amy Marie Orozco – all Carpinterians – formed KopSun not only as means to embrace the cannabis lifestyle in an educated and informed manner, but also as a way to leverage the reputation of Carpinteria’s cannabis, cultivated in greenhouses, which are powered by the cleanest available environmental practices that are often coupled with generations of hand-me-down Old World agricultural experience from the Netherlands.
KopSun’s current focus on its Leaf Learning component serves two purposes. One, it is building a strong foundation of knowledgeable clients who demand top-shelf products, i.e. from Carpinteria, while KopSun navigates the bureaucratic maze of licensing to sell cannabis products. Two, it allows the company to sow the seeds of its commitment to the local community. Complimentary Leaf Learning sessions are open to adults, and Leaf Learning can be adapted for middle and high school students.
“We’ve been overwhelmed with the community’s acceptance and support of KopSun. There is a large interest in cannabis, and our Leaf Learning education forums have answered a lot of questions and erased so many misgivings and fears,” said Fanucchi-Frontado, KopSun CEO and founder. “Our goal is simply to provide the tools and information, so people become confident and empowered to make the smartest choice for themselves.”

Additionally, the three business partners have pooled combined talents of publicity, media, and promotions with their bulging Rolodexes, to provided Public Relations and Marketing services for a variety of cannabis-related businesses in the 805 area code.
“We can’t wait to share our product line with everyone. Now we’re playing the waiting game with state and local level licensing and regulations,” added Fanucchi-Frontado.
For more information on KopSun or a Leaf Learning event, visitwww.KopSun.com
About KopSun:
Dedicated to health and education, KopSun supports the cannabis lifestyle with online learning, monthly group events, on-site presentations, a carefully curated product line, and the KopSun Seal of Approval. KopSun is based in Carpinteria, Calif. and is an avid and staunch supporter of its community.