Montana is more than Big Sky country, its Big High country too. Even though the politicians haven’t caught on the residents of Montana have proven to be 420 friendly. Recently on my travels I put a call out for any 420 artist and Mindy PanduhBurr Bechtell answered my call.
Based out of Bozeman, Montana she works out of her studio the Napping Artist which I think represents that laid back Montana feel. Her psychedelic cartoon style evokes a “feel good feeling” mixing sexy with surreal — it’s what should happen when colored pencil meets paper.
She recently made the cover of Bozeman Magazine with her art. A package of beauty and talent (it doesn’t hurt that I got a thing for pierced tattooed women either) she’s making moves in Bozeman. I had the pleasure of meeting Mindy the artist/model who is also a medical marijuana patient (using it to treat pains and nausea).
TWB: So, what’s a Napping artist?
Mindy: Haha, I’m a Napping Artist. I lack a lot of energy, so my two favorite things are basically art and sleep haha.
TWB: I’ve seen other females on the internet use screen names like pandah mandy or rawrrpandah, does panda mean anything to you or is it just a bad ass creature to you?
Mindy: Panduh was given to me over two years ago, my Native American friend gave me the name because of how quiet, centered and well… cute I can be, but I will snap if you get in my face or mess with my friends, like territorial. Friends call me the ninja panda, I guess it is because I am very balanced *the whole black and white part* and there isn’t a lot of people like me *the whole extinction/endangered part* To me, it is more than just a cute animal name. My friends and I are a little weird I guess because there is a Fox, a Raccoon, and a Raven.
TWB: What do you take marijuana to help you with now?
Mindy: When I moved up here I was on multiple meds, two of them were nortriptyline and ratadine. The nortriptyline was for depression. I was always sad, but hell, I lived in Wyoming! And the ratadine was for stomach acid/ulcers and such.
I was always in pain, by two, it was normal for me to be clutching my guts, crying about my head or stomach just killing me, (Not to mention, DRs in Wyoming had me on ESTROGEN, which after moving here, I found out I’m not suppose to ingest because of my migraines, I could have had a stroke or heart attack! Shows you how pill happy our government is…)
Anyhow, I got up here, stomach pain, migraines, sad and over the world, when I hear “Hey girl, why don’t you just go get your card!” Oh what, marijuana is legal up here?
I called the hospital, got my records and BAM! – Card in my hand, pills down the toilet. I started using marijuana to increase my appetite for nausea when I’m hungry (I literally will reject food: eat, and throw it right back up, but get me baked? Hand me food. I will eat, sleep and be the happiest girl ever) and I use to it help me pass out when I get my gnarly migraines. So, a year and half off pills, I only get migraines about 2-3 times every two weeks, my stomach doesn’t hurt at all(The ulcers are totally gone) and I’m a lot more happier, active, living in a hell of a lot less pain, and I don’t always “smoke it”, just to throw that out there. For all the people concerned about my lungs, I absolutely love making edibles; desserts or just plain food!
TWB: What kind of commissioned work have you done?
Mindy: I have done everything from painting school mascots to designing tattoos.
TWB: Nice, do you have a favorite mural or tattoo piece anywhere?
Mindy: I love my hubby’s piece thats on the wall and my friend Chris bought my favorite piece from me, and framed it up all nice
TWB: what are they? {My apologies to our readers but you need to have your Facebook on to see these pics and a lot of her other stuff. Just remember all up and comers came from somewhere}
Mindy: 1) Colored pencil, that’s the piece he bought, inspired by partying up in the mountains 2) And this one is above my fireplace.
TWB: both are awesome…..did you go to school or was art something you’ve always done
Mindy: Thank you. Just something I have always done. I graduated from high school and dropped out of college.
TWB: right on, do you have a favorite medium?
Mindy: Colored pencils, they’re amazing…But I’m really picky on the brands.
TWB: How long have been doing art and modeling?
Mindy: Art has been my whole life! I’ve been obsessed. Modeling, playing with it and never took it seriously until now really.
TWB: One can’t help noticing your Edgar Allen Poe piece. What are your favorite pieces by him?
Mindy: Black cat and Eldorado
I’d like to thank Mindy for taking the time to chat with me here in my little stoner corner. She’s available for commissioned work or modeling via her Facebook or e-mail her at [email protected]. You can also check out her etsy store. We wish you the best Mindy.